C-Cramps……QAQ I feel so dead right now like……….so much pain cry.
Promise I’ll get to the comments from yesterday tomorrow QAQ. For now please enjoy birthday release #5!! I really liked this chapter as well haha.
As for me, I’ll go back huddling myself into my blankets and waiting for the cramps to pass or lighten a bit ORZ.
And, like always, if you wish to support me please
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Enjoy the chapter guys! <3
Tanzmoon says:
Try hot tea, green tea would be best with manuka honey for cramps
Some gentle stretching and oil massage is also useful
Hope you feel better soon! 😓
LK says:
*Pat pat* feel better (:
Maradine says:
C…cramps… let me massage them for you 😂
Please don’t overwork yourself! Stay healthy!
akumakawa says:
Take 1 Tylenol (500mg) with 3 ibuprofen (200mg) every 4 to 6 hours. It really helps. Migraines too.