I’ve Led the Villain Astray, How Do I Fix It? — Chapter 55

Thank you to everyone who bought me a coffee! QAQ <3

Finals finally ended, and I’m only enrolled in a classics course for the entire second semester, so hopefully I’ll have loads of time to TL! Today’s actually my birthday LOL (that’s why the site banner changed back to longevity noodles!) so I’ve been translating non-stop so I can get some chapters up today //o// (For those waiting on the next Heavenly Official’s Blessing chapter, despite my best efforts and allnighters, I’m only around 1.5k charas done out of 8.2k. T.T It’ll be a few days late, I’m sorry!)

Today our favorite brothers got to spend some quality dinner time with their Master…wink wonk. I hope you enjoy their bantering!


And like always, if you wish to support me please Buy Me a Coffee at ko-fi.com and/or turn off adblockers when visiting the site~

Enjoy the chapter guys! <3



0 thoughts on “I’ve Led the Villain Astray, How Do I Fix It? — Chapter 55

  • Happy birthday, hope you had a great day.

  • Happy b-day! ❤️❤️

  • Happy Birthday!!

    • Happy birthday!
      Thank you for the gift XD

  • Bon anniversaire. J’adore tes traductions ❤️

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